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We are a cultural center on the Caribbean coast of Colombia that is working to preserve and share the vibrance of this unique region. It is located in a magical little town, called Minca, in the foothills of the world's only tropical coastal snow capped peak, La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The name Sonidoselva, Spanish for “sound of the jungle," speaks to the rich natural diversity of the region's ecosystems and its connection to music and culture.
This season
Sonidoselva had an exciting 2023! We hosted incredible concerts with Los Gaitoeros de Ovejas, Trinar de La Montana, Herederos del Bullerenge, Bombo Negro, Pernett, Jacana Jacana, Julia and Ona, Buendia, Yao and we look forward to releasing the many recordings we made and we look forwad to more music and events in wonderful Minca starting next January, Gracias!
All of our events are focused on strengthening the community in Minca by supporting harmonious inclusive approaches to culture and education
Sonidoselva is humbled to have the blessings of the Mamos, the spiritual leaders of the indigenous peoples of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The Mamos are an integral part of the development of the center and we share the view that mutual respect and cultural exchange promote a thriving and peaceful community.
Sonidoselva is first and foremost about music and its ability to transmit both culture and wisdom. We have worked with an exceptionally broad range of artists from many different musical walks of life and we want to share the richness of that experience with you.
Folkloric traditions around the world form a vast wellspring of knowledge and insight. These traditions represent different cultural groups successful attempts to organize into harmonious communities around the natural identity of the land. From this traditions form expressing this basic relationship of the land to the people. At Sonidoselva we place a great deal of emphasis on the idea that we can learn from these cultural expressions, that they can serve as examples that inspire us to live more coherent and harmonious lives here in Minca.
Sonidoselva is a space where the community can share their knowledge and experience in ways that focus on improving the life and wellness of the people who live in La Sierra and its surroundings.
In the words of George Gurdjieff: "Life is real only then, when I Am"
Healthy communities have always needed cultural space where people can connect with nature, culture, music, art, spirituality. At Solidioselva we believe that humanity has always produced its best results through the exchange of ideas in an open and respectful space.